Questioning Conservatives

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Questioning Conservatives

Intellectual discussion of conservative policy, particularly for the renewal or replacement of the Republican Party.

    Conservative Reading List

    Chris "Jesdisciple"

    Posts : 37
    Join date : 2009-11-03

    Conservative Reading List Empty Conservative Reading List

    Post  Chris "Jesdisciple" Thu Nov 19, 2009 6:50 pm

    Sam had a good idea...
    SamHamilton wrote:One thing you might want to consider is posting links to websites you consider worthy reading for conservatives that are in line with what you're trying to accomplish here (or at least what I think you're trying to accomplish). Are there websites you rely on for commentary or news written by people who are willing to question "conservative" or Republican orthodoxy?
    I think this should be a community project, so let's start listing sites that seem honest but are fiscally conservative. Being socially conservative is a plus, but not nearly as critical IMO. Here's the list as it is:

    Hot Air (See the sidebar for their own reading list.)
    Michelle Malkin (She founded Hot Air, and has her own reading list.)
    I'll edit your links into here.

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